
Main information about Apps24 service

The Apps24 service positions itself as a universal cryptocurrency wallet, providing simple and reliable solutions for users. With its help, you can conduct operations for transferring and receiving funds worldwide. Currently, it is used by more than 4,000 clients from 140 countries, making over 10,000 transactions.

Legal information and contacts

Currently, information about the legal status of Apps24, including the country of registration, addresses, and registration numbers, is not provided. Copies of documents confirming the legality of the service’s operations are also absent. The project’s creation date and its history are not defined. The owners and developers of the application do not disclose their names.

Contact details for any inquiries are available at the support center, including email, online chat, and a feedback form.

List of supported currencies

Information about available currencies is not public and will likely become accessible after users register and log in to the system. Additional information can be requested from service representatives.

Apps24 wallet features

  • Ability to send and receive funds worldwide.
  • Favorable rates for buying and selling digital assets.
  • Funding and withdrawal through popular payment services.
  • Instant notifications about payment statuses.
  • Sending payment invoices via email.
  • Free SMS notifications about wallet transactions.
  • Round-the-clock user support.
  • Information stored on secure servers with HSM encryption.

To start using the cryptocurrency wallet, registration is required, providing contact and personal information. Each user must undergo verification to conduct operations, the algorithm of which is available in the personal account.

Connecting to the wallet is free, with no transaction limits. Withdrawals are available to various payment systems connected to Apps. Withdrawal requests are processed within 24 hours, with processing times possibly extending in some cases. The service allows purchases in stores in different countries with different currencies and minimal fees.

Reviews about Apps24

Prior to using the cryptocurrency wallet, it is recommended to review real customer and expert feedback about the Apps24 service. This will help assess the credibility of the claimed advantages and make an informed decision about working with the platform.



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1 Comment

  1. I am extremely dissatisfied with Apps24 broker’s performance as it is highly inconsistent and unprofessional.


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