Avighna corp.

Information about the company “Avighna corp”

The company “Avighna corp” started its activities in the financial market in 2019. The founders highlight the main goal of the company – to make the financial market accessible to a wide audience of consumers. “Avighna corp” guarantees its clients a profitability of 1.5%.

General information

Foundation date: according to available data, the company was founded in 2019.

Location: information about the exact location and address of the company’s registration is not disclosed.

Contacts: clients are offered to fill out a feedback form, indicating their login, email address, and a description of the question. In addition, communication channels via Telegram and email are provided.

Regulation: information about the regulator is not available.

Terminal: details about the availability of a terminal on the website are not provided.

Investment opportunities

The website of “Avighna corp” notes that the team consists of experienced traders, analysts, and programmers.

To start investing, a potential client must go through the following stages:

  • Registration on the website, where it is necessary to indicate a login, password, and email address.
  • Deposit replenishment. “Avighna corp” emphasizes that clients can open an unlimited number of deposits in accordance with the company’s terms.

The company also offers its clients participation in an affiliate program with three levels:

  • First level – 5% of the deposit.
  • Second level – 2% of the deposit.
  • Third level – 1% of the deposit.

To participate in the affiliate program, it is not necessary to have an active deposit, it is enough to distribute a referral link. “Avighna corp” promises guaranteed fund security and client data protection.

In addition, the company accepts payments through the following payment systems: Payeer, Perfect Money, Yandex Money, Bitcoin, Ethereum.

Reviews about “Avighna corp”

The team of “Avighna corp” warns clients about the possible risks of investing, especially considering the level of project profitability. It is recommended to consult a financial expert to get advice and identify key points.

If you have had experience working with “Avighna corp”, please leave your review of working with the project. This can help other users who are looking for a reliable company to invest their funds in.



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