Consult Group

Brief information about Consult Group

The company Consult Group specializes in providing business solutions and consulting services. It provides legal support in matters of business registration in European countries, as well as assists with obtaining permits and opening offshore accounts.

Areas of activity of Consult Group

The company offers services in financial and legal consulting, as well as helps in resolving various disputes in the international market and registering European companies.

When to contact Consult Group

  • When a company loses its license or goes bankrupt
  • When a financial services provider violates cooperation terms
  • When a company blocks access to funds
  • When a company refuses to withdraw money

Chargeback process at Consult Group

The company processes refunds according to the following algorithm:

  • Consultation to determine the possibility of refund
  • Submission of a chargeback application
  • Collection and submission of necessary documents
  • Analysis of the situation and development of an action plan
  • Signing an official contract

Technical support at Consult Group

You can receive consultation at the company’s office or through phone, email, or feedback form. The initial consultation is free, and the support service operates from 10:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Friday.


Client reviews will help assess the quality of services provided by Consult Group. It is recommended to seek assistance from the company’s specialists when facing legal or financial issues.



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