Life is good

Brief information about the company “Life is Good”

Life is Good is a company whose motto translates as “life is beautiful.” It is widely known in 2020 as an organization that helps people learn how to earn, manage finances, and control their future.

Main information

Foundation date: According to official documents, the company was established on April 23, 2014.

Location: Life is Good is based in Belize, a country in Central America. Information about the actual location of the company is kept secret, but according to some sources, Life is Good Ltd. has its roots in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Contacts: There is no information on how to contact the administration or support service on the official website It may be possible to contact them through official social media channels.

Regulation: Life is Good offers training on earning, but there is no information available about having a license for such activities.

Partners: Among the company’s partners are firms and individuals such as the financial company HERMES, U.S. presidents historian Dag Vid, International Business Academy IBA, writer Allan Piz, housing cooperative Best Way, intellectual club Nontrivial Club, and publishing house Eksmo.

Investment opportunities

A significant amount of information is missing from the website, such as training costs, investment amounts, and potential income levels.

Unfortunately, access to the personal account can only be obtained by invitation from an existing member, making it difficult to obtain additional information.

  • First offer: Earning passive income, becoming a consultant, and receiving high income through company profits.
  • Second offer: Using financial tools from the company Hermes, providing investment consulting.
  • Third offer: Opportunity to purchase real estate through the housing cooperative Best Way.
  • Fourth offer: Participation in educational programs with the support of sponsors and IBA academy.

Registration in the “Life is Good” personal account

Currently, registration of new accounts on the website is blocked, but existing members can log into their personal accounts. When restoring registration, it is recommended to carefully study the proposed agreement.

Company reviews

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Life is Good faces challenges in providing legal information. Unclear investment conditions can pose risks to investors.

Partnership programs and bonuses can influence the sincerity of reviews, so it is important to be cautious when choosing an investment partner.



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