
Brief information about Logatomtrade company

The broker started its activities in 2018. The brand belongs to the company Logatom Trade LTD, registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines under number 26568 IBC 2018. Licensing is not disclosed.

The official website logatomtrade.com is available in English and Russian. The “About Us” team includes Oleg Saveliev and Yulian Titov. The company is clearly focused on the Russian audience. Hotline for residents of the Russian Federation: +74950498312. For other countries: +46101388999 and +35722007796.

Trading instruments and Logatom Trade platform

  • Cryptocurrency trading without weekends.
  • Commodities, including precious metals, energy sources, and agricultural products.

The company offers news trading, similar to binary options. Clients are offered to bet on the rise or fall of the asset price considering political and economic news. The company’s expert provides a news review. Detailed conditions for binary options are available after registration.

Logatom Trade trading accounts

  • “Starter”: minimum deposit from 3,000 USD.
  • “Standard”: deposit from 10,000 USD, possibility of bonuses.
  • “Classic”: deposit from 25,000 USD, bonus points up to 30%.
  • “Platinum”: deposit from 50,000 USD, broker commission 30%.

Account funding and withdrawal from Logatomtrade

  • Bank cards, including MIR.
  • Yandex.Money, YooMoney, Payeer.
  • Bitcoin.

Although the focus on Russian traders is evident, there is no information on accepting rubles on the website. The refund policy only mentions sanctions for rule violations. Details on funding and withdrawal are available after registration or consulting a representative.


The broker’s activities are not licensed, which creates legal issues. Binary options are outside the law in many countries.

For choosing a company offering binary options, it is recommended to consult with independent experts to reduce risks.



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