Meridian Trade Bank

About Meridian Trade Bank

Meridian Trade Bank is a respected financial institution in Latvia, which started its operations in 1999 based on the local representation of the former USSR Foreign Trade Bank. The bank’s main focus is providing brokerage services to its clients.

Areas of Activity:

  • bonds,
  • stocks and options on them,
  • exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Meridian Trade Bank offers trading opportunities on more than 40 stock exchanges.

How to Become a Client:

  1. Open a checking account, as in all Baltic banks providing brokerage services.
  2. Sign a brokerage services agreement.
  3. Open an account for financial instruments linked to the main account.

For clients with residency in the European Union, the bank has created a “Guest Kit” with many advantageous opportunities. Non-residents without residency status should contact the bank’s branches in Latvia or Lithuania, where the conditions are stricter. For example, when dealing with futures and options, the trader covers the exchange commission. Non-residents receive fewer free services and higher tariffs.

Pros and Cons:

  • all operations are conducted in compliance with the legislation,
  • ability to work with all financial instruments through one trading account,
  • flexible tariff policy to optimize expenses,
  • option to request brokerage services over the phone,
  • provision of prompt analytical data.

Meridian Trade Bank is an excellent choice for those seeking residency in Latvia. Special conditions and even consultations on the country’s migration legislation are provided for these clients. Undetermined citizens may not feel prioritized based on the level of service and tariffs.

Additional Inconveniences:

  • requirement for personal visits to branches in Latvia or key cities in Lithuania,
  • ability to deposit and withdraw funds only through an MTB account,
  • limited and insufficiently informative Russian-language version of the website,
  • issues with prompt Russian-language support.


Despite some limitations and inconveniences, the brokerage activities of Meridian Trade Bank leave a favorable impression.



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