Short information about Profit Sistem company
The company Profit Sistem claims to be registered in the UK. According to their data, the main office is located in London. The website states the registration document number as 1371543670. However, checking this number on the official Companies House website shows that the company with this number is not listed in the registry.
Advantages of Profit Sistem company
Round-the-clock technical support 7 days a week.
Security system for the safety of funds and user data.
Team of professionals with experience in investing and lending.
Guaranteed payments with individual consideration of deposit/withdrawal issues.
Three-level partnership program.
Fictitious British legal registration.
Other claimed advantages require confirmation through reviews about Profit Sistem company.
Contact information includes email, main office address without confirmation, and a feedback form to contact support. Phone number and links to social networks are absent.
Investment offers of Profit Sistem
150%. From 50 rubles.
175%. From 1500 rubles.
200%. From 3500 rubles.
250%. From 6000 rubles.
300%. From 10000 rubles.
350%. Minimum deposit 15000 rubles.
500%. Minimum deposit 2500 rubles.
750%. Minimum deposit 5000 rubles.
1000%. Minimum deposit 7500 rubles.
The investment package durations range from 60 to 100 hours. Earnings are accrued every hour, every minute, or upon deposit completion depending on the chosen package.
Registration and access to the personal account in Profit Sistem
To register, one needs to click on “Register” and fill in all mandatory fields. The user must read the “Terms and Conditions” before registering.
Account funding and profit withdrawal from Profit Sistem
The supported payment systems are listed on the website. The company claims that deposits and withdrawals are processed without project commissions, but the user may need to pay fees of the payment systems if applicable. Money is credited instantly.
Profit Sistem misleads clients regarding its British origin and offers suspiciously high profits. It is recommended to study reviews and consult with an independent expert before engaging with the company.