Think Investments Limited

Information about Think Investments Limited Company

The broker Think Investments Limited was registered in April 2007 in the UK. The company operates under the license of the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission and CRFIN. Among the broker’s clients are traders from different countries, including Russia. In addition to earning from trading, the company’s clients can receive trading education.

Available Trading Instruments

Not all available trading instruments are listed on the broker’s official website, however, trading with cryptocurrency is offered.

Types of Trading Accounts at Think Investments Limited

Think Investments Limited offers three types of trading accounts:

  • Standard – minimum deposit $250, 20% bonus, auto trading, analyst support.
  • Premium – minimum deposit $1,000, 100% bonus, 50% account insurance, auto trading, analyst support.
  • Extra – minimum deposit $5,000, 90% bonus, 50% account insurance, auto trading, analyst support.

Trading Platforms at Think Investments Limited

Clients can use a web terminal for trading from the browser without the need to download additional software. The platform is equipped with tools for various trading operations, has over twenty timeframes, and provides everything necessary for price analysis. For trading convenience from a smartphone, a mobile version of the terminal is available.

Deposits and Withdrawals

Accounts can only be funded in rubles or dollars. The minimum deposit amount is $250 or the equivalent in rubles. Payment methods for deposit include card, bank transfer, or electronic payment systems. The withdrawal commission is not specified on the website. All listed methods are available for withdrawals.

Registration and Access to Think Investments Limited Personal Account

The registration form is located on the main page of the website. To register, you need to provide your name, phone number, and email, and then provide passport details, TIN, and SNILS. After registration, verification is required, which includes confirming the client’s identity by providing copies of documents. Scans or photos of documents must be uploaded to the Think Investments Limited personal account.


The company’s official website does not have a client agreement. It is recommended to request this document from a manager and carefully review it. It is also recommended to review the company’s reviews online and obtain an expert assessment of Think Investments Limited before opening an account.



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