
Information about the company “Vector”

Return of trader investments with the help of the legal company “Vector”

The company “Vector” specializes in the return of trader investments that were unlawfully appropriated by brokers. We are experienced specialists in the field of chargeback.

Information about the company and its team

The company “Vector” is registered in the city of Kazan at 33 Gvardeyskaya Street. We are a limited liability company. Our services are provided by qualified specialists, including lawyers, former bank employees, and translators.

Cost of services

The company “Vector” provides paid services for investment recovery. A commission for successful return is charged upon completion of the case. We do not require advance payment and provide a money-back guarantee for our services.

Process of the company “Vector”

  • The client disputes the unauthorized transaction with the card with their issuing bank.
  • The issuing bank reviews the case and decides on the possibility of refunding the funds.
  • Documents are transmitted to the seller’s bank through the VISA payment system.
  • The seller challenges the chargeback or agrees to the buyer’s demands.
  • In case of a positive decision, the client receives their funds.

Advantages and disadvantages of the company “Vector”

One of the advantages of the company “Vector” is a guaranteed refund in case of an unsuccessful chargeback. We also offer a 10% discount on our services when filling out the survey form on the website.



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