
Information about the company “LenMontazhStroy”

The company LenMontazhStroy (LMS) is registered in Russia, but also actively operates abroad. For over 26 years, the company has been successfully trading on the global securities market, adhering to the principles of reliability, flexibility, and result orientation.

The website lmsic.com is available in several languages, including Russian. You can submit a request to contact the company via mobile phone: +78123291999, by email: [email protected], or through the feedback form. Official registration address: 191186, building 11, lit. A, room 21-N, Saint Petersburg.

Trading Opportunities

LenMontazhStroy offers a wide range of services, including stock sales, analytics, brokerage services, and other financial opportunities. On the website, you can trade cryptocurrencies, indices, precious metals, stocks, and currency pairs.

Trading Accounts

On the website, you can trade stocks and securities of more than 200 companies listed on the RTS BOARD. The company offers unique opportunities for investment and online trading. Over 50,000 clients already benefit from LenMontazhStroy’s services, receiving shares, particularly as a result of privatization.

Account Funding and Withdrawal

To activate an account, you need to register on the website, fill out the registration form, confirm your email, provide passport details, and fund the account. The company does not provide detailed information on the account funding and withdrawal process. Stay updated on the website for any changes.


After reviewing the information about the company “LenMontazhStroy,” you can make an informed decision. Before making a final decision, read customer reviews of the company to have a more comprehensive understanding of its activities.



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