Renessans Broker

Information about “Renaissance Broker” Company

The “Renaissance Broker” company positions itself as one of the leading participants in the Russian market, being among the top 5 operators of the stock market. The firm’s main clients are wealthy individuals and institutional investors with experience in online trading.

Company’s Internet Resources

The activities of the dealing center are presented on the following resources:

  • – the company’s official website for service presentation;
  • – personal account for clients.

Company’s Services

The “Renaissance Broker” company provides a wide range of services:

  • Brokerage activities;
  • Depository services;
  • Dealer activities;
  • Securities management.

Trading Instruments and Platforms

The company offers access to various trading instruments, but specific details are not disclosed.

“Renaissance Broker” Trading Accounts

Available tariff plans and conditions are not published. Information about a demo account is also not available.

Funding and Withdrawal of Funds

The company does not provide information on financial policies, payment services, commissions, and limits.


The decision to cooperate with “Renaissance Broker” should be based on client and expert reviews.



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