Brief information about the Legal Company “Status of Law”
The company has 5 years of experience and demonstrates a 90% success rate in its activities. Registered in the Russian Federation, but also provides services to residents of other countries.
The legal address of the company is located in Samara, Russia. The contact information includes two phone numbers: +78462768946 for calls from Russia and +78462768946 for clients from CIS countries, the Baltic States, Central Asia, etc. The official website is available only in Russian.
History of LLC “Status of Law”
The company’s team has personal experience of being victims of fraudulent brokers. Their first cases were resolved in 2013. The official registration of LLC “Status of Law” took place in 2015. The company has developed a unique system for returning funds from offshore zones, which has enabled clients to recover over 100 million rubles in the past year.
Tariffs and prices of the legal company “Status of Law”
The website presents a comparative table of three service packages:
- Minimum Rate: suitable for deposits starting from 100 thousand rubles. Includes the first free legal consultation, assignment of a manager and a dedicated lawyer, legal support, as well as phone consultations totaling 2 hours.
- Optimal Package: for refunds of amounts from 500 thousand rubles. Additionally, unlimited consultations with an expert during the company’s working hours are provided.
- Perfect Rate: for returning deposits from 1 million rubles. It involves full attention and comprehensive legal support, as well as the possibility of round-the-clock consultation.
The cost of services is calculated individually after reviewing the application. Commission fees usually do not exceed 5% of the stuck deposit.
Conclusion about the Legal Company “Status of Law”
There are few reviews about the company so far, and specific prices and payment structures are not provided. Caution is recommended when making a choice.