Al’fa Kapital

Brief information about the company “Alpha Capital”

LLC “Asset Management Company “Alpha Capital” was founded in 1992 and is part of the “Alfa-Group”. The company is registered at: 123001, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, 32, Building 1. “Alpha Capital” operates in accordance with Russian legislation and obtained a license to provide financial services on November 30, 2004.

Statistics of the company “Alpha Capital”

  • The company has been operating for over 27 years.
  • It has a network of 465 sales points throughout Russia.
  • The total number of company clients exceeds 1.2 million people.
  • The total assets of the company amount to a billion rubles.

Premium awards of “Alpha Capital” are available on their website in the section “Our Achievements”. The company team, including the Chairman of the Board Irina Krivosheeva and board members, is presented on the website in the section “About the Company”.

Products and services of “Alpha Capital”

The company offers a variety of mutual funds, including classic products, specialized funds, and a robo-advisor for investment management. Among the products are:

Mutual Fund “Alpha-Capital Rental Flow”

  • Investments in trading areas of Moscow, the region, and St. Petersburg.
  • Investment amount starting from 305 thousand rubles.
  • Investment term – 5 years.
  • Regular profit for investors.

Mutual Fund “Alpha-Capital S and P 500”

  • Investments in shares of the 500 largest companies traded on the American market.
  • Ability to buy and sell shares on the stock exchange.
  • Low commission fee.

And other mutual funds, such as “Alpha-Capital Balance”, “Europe 600”, “AlfaCapital Moscow Exchange Index” offer various investment strategies and long-term investment options.

Resources and Services

For high-net-worth clients, the company offers the product “Alfa Capital Wealth”, which includes unique investment strategies, currency diversification, as well as capital protection and asset structuring in fund partner companies. In addition, a robo-advisor is available for investors who find it difficult to independently create a portfolio.

For more detailed information about the products and services of the company “Alpha Capital”, as well as for consultation, clients can contact specialists through the feedback form on the website or at the company’s offices, as well as request a call.

Investment Risks and Reviews

Investing involves risks, and clients need to be prepared for potential loss of funds. It is important to carefully review the investment terms and legal documents of the company. Reviews about the company can be found on their official website, as well as on social media.


Company “Alpha Capital” offers a wide range of investment products and services for both private and corporate clients. Before making an investment decision, it is recommended to consult with specialists and review the investment conditions and company documents.