Aprel’ Kapital

Information about Aprel Kapital Company

AO Investment Company “Aprel Kapital” has been managing clients’ investments for over 16 years. The project team offers investing in mutual investment funds (MIFs) to generate profits.

Investment Opportunities at Aprel Kapital

The minimum deposit amount is 1000 rubles. Clients can choose a MIF option that suits their goals and risk level. The offered categories include:

  • Stocks. Recommended investment period – from 3 years. Yield as of early March is +36.05%.
  • Commodity Stocks. Yield as of early March is +51.03%.
  • Mixed Fund. Recommended investment period – from 3 years. Yield as of early March is 27.54%.
  • Bond Fund. Recommended investment period – at least one year. Yield as of early March is +23.35%.

Deposits and Withdrawals at Aprel Kapital

Purchasing shares can be done through the personal account or the company’s mobile application. After registration and submitting a purchase request, funds are included in the fund after five days.

Registration and Personal Account at Aprel Kapital

For registration, clients can provide an email address and contact phone number or passport details. The personal account allows for share transactions, viewing statistics and transaction history, and receiving expert consultations.

Investment Risks at Aprel Kapital

The company is registered and licensed by the Central Bank of Russia. However, it lacks a license from the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia. Promises of high profitability may be unrealistic. The website lacks detailed information about the team and organizers of the company, as well as information on investment security guarantees.


Investment Company “Aprel Kapital” offers the opportunity to invest in shares to generate profits. It is recommended to seek legal advice before investing in the project.