Avuzri Goth

Information about Avuzri Goth Company

Avuzri Goth— a professional brokerage company registered at: 114 John St, Highfield, Sheffield S2 4SW, Great Britain. The company is supervised by the Financial Conduct Authority and cooperates with financial regulators FSCA, CySEC, and DFSA.

Contact Information and Websites of Avuzri Goth

To contact the broker, you can use the email: support@avuzrigoth.com or call at +44 114 5624862. Website addresses: avuzrigoth.com, avuzri-g.biz.

Statistics and Indicators of Avuzri Goth

  • Number of traders: 136761 from 26 countries around the world.

  • Total balance: over $791 million.

  • Daily turnover: $4.8 billion.

Liquidity Providers of Avuzri Goth

  • Deutsche Bank,

  • Goldman Sachs,

  • Bank of America,

  • Merrill Lynch,

  • Barclays Bank,

  • HSBC Bank,

  • Morgan Stanley.

Available Instruments and Platforms

Avuzri Goth provides access to trading over 250 assets in markets: currencies, metals, stocks, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. A powerful trading platform with advanced tools and support for Windows and Mac OS is guaranteed.

Types of Trading Accounts

  1. Initial: starting investments from 150 USD, leverage 1:100.

  2. Middle: starting investments from 5000 USD, leverage 1:500.

  3. Guru: starting investments from 25000 USD, leverage 1:500, deposit protection, and 24/7 support.

Deposit and Withdrawal of Funds

Account replenishment is possible with cryptocurrency (BTC or USDT), and fund withdrawal is made to crypto wallets, bank cards, or QIWI wallet. The minimum withdrawal amount is 18 USD.


Avuzri Goth is listed in the registry of brokerage companies in the UK and collaborates with major financial regulators. The online broker provides access to a variety of trading instruments and offers various conditions for traders. Reviews about Avuzri Goth attest to its reliability and professionalism.