
Brief information about Uk Bertey company

Uk Bertey is a company specializing in investments, offering to increase traffic and orders to store owners and platforms providing various services. Information about the project’s registration location is not disclosed, but presumably, the company has British roots.

The company’s website is located at and is only available in English. To obtain information about the company and its services, registration on the website is required. There is no publicly available information, only a login and registration form is displayed when accessing the site.

Investment opportunities in Bertey company

Information about the services offered by the company is provided in the “Terms” document, available after registration. Uk Bertey is a platform aimed at helping owners of Amazon internet stores increase traffic and the number of real orders.

Clients registered on the platform complete tasks and receive rewards for their completion. To withdraw profits, it is necessary to complete at least 40 tasks. A deposit is required to receive tasks, without participating in other operations. The deposit can be refunded when withdrawing funds.

Account replenishment and profit withdrawal

Information about payment methods is not disclosed, and the deposit amount is not specified. The minimum withdrawal amount is also not announced. The terms of use indicate the presence of a withdrawal fee, but its amount remains unknown.

Registration on Uk Bertey platform

Registration is only possible with an invitation code, which needs to be obtained. To create an account, you need to fill out a special form with your name, phone number, email address, create a login, password, and agree to the terms of use.

Investment risks

The company does not publicly disclose information about itself, making it impossible to learn about earning opportunities without registration. These facts may raise doubts about Bertey’s reliability. The project organizers guarantee the safety of the deposit, but to withdraw profits, a series of tasks must be completed. Losses are possible, although this may not be explicitly stated.


Before deciding to collaborate with Uk Bertey, it is advisable to carefully study the company. Customer reviews can help with this. In case of doubts, it is recommended to consult with experts to assess the project’s reliability.