Bilin Capital
Short overview of Bilin Capital company
Bilin Capital presents itself as an international company operating on five continents. The company has been successfully operating for 13 years, however, the website does not indicate the year of its foundation, information about the founders and jurisdiction is not available. In the contacts section, there is almost no information, only a feedback form. Contact phone numbers and email addresses are not provided.
250 trading instruments
The website features various categories of trading instruments, including Forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, precious metals, and stocks.
Personal account at Bilin Capital
The registration process is simplified. To complete the registration, you need to fill out a form, confirm the correctness of the entered email and phone number, to which a confirmation link will be sent. The company offers a loyalty program, however, the participation conditions are not disclosed.
Trading accounts at Bilin Capital
The minimum deposit is $500. There are several types of trading accounts, depending on the deposit amount, offering various conditions.
The company offers its own trading platform, which allows trading online without the need to download software. However, information about platform details and the possibility of a demo account is not available.
Funding and withdrawal at Bilin Capital
Information about account funding methods and withdrawal on the company’s website is insufficient. Clients may find it difficult to understand the funding and withdrawal process without the necessary information.
Conclusion about Bilin Capital
Insufficient data about the company and the absence of important information create uncertainty for traders. Therefore, we recommend approaching the investment in Bilin Capital cautiously.