
Information about Binarimo Company

The broker Binarimo positions itself as a leading trading platform for binary options, available to private and institutional investors worldwide. The company’s website operates in Russian and English languages.

Registration and Control

Binarimo is owned by Namelina Limited, registered in the offshore zone of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The certificate of registration of the parent company is presented. It is important to note that information about regulators is absent.


The broker promises round-the-clock support via live chat, but no chat link is found. The website only lists a phone number and email for contact.

Trading Tools

Binarimo offers various trading platforms for different devices. Over 100 assets are available, such as currency pairs, securities, indices, and commodities.

Educational Center

The company provides an educational center for beginner traders, helping them acquire the necessary skills for successful trading.

Trading Accounts

There are 4 trading accounts, one of which is likely a demo account. Depositing accounts receive a welcome bonus of up to 100% and possible bonuses of up to $50,000 for practice.

Deposits and Withdrawals

Various payment methods are available on the website, and verification is required for profit withdrawal. Withdrawal processing times are up to 5 days, but VIP accounts have withdrawals available within 48 hours.


Despite the registration document, offshore registration does not guarantee reliability. One-way communication with clients and uncertainty regarding financial matters increase risks. It is advisable to review feedback about Binarimo to make an informed decision.



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