Charg Plus

Information about the legal company Charg Plus

The legal firm Charg Plus specializes in recovering money taken by internet scammers. Chargeback offers to return funds stolen in various ways.

History and experience of the company Charg Plus

Charg Plus started its activities in 2018. Over more than five years of work, it has helped return stolen funds to more than 4500 clients.

Team of Charg Plus

Charg Plus is proud of its professional team of experts. The website features photos of employees, their positions, although information about education is missing. Contact details include postal and email addresses, as well as the phone number +79785678556.

Official data about the company Charg Plus

No legal documents are presented on the website. The footer lists the details of LLC “Matrix Group,” presumably the parent company of Charg Plus. The address provided belongs to the parent company in Yekaterinburg.

Services provided by Charg Plus

Charg Plus works not only with clients from Russia but also with Russian-speaking clients abroad. Reviews about the company are posted in both Russian and English on the website

  • If the platform through which the client invested has closed;
  • If the broker refuses to pay out funds or demands additional payments;
  • If the company accepted a deposit and disappeared.

The company emphasizes that its capabilities are much broader than described on the website and deals with various situations.

Principles of operation of Charg Plus

Charg Plus provides instructions for conducting chargebacks independently, with the option to consult specialists if necessary. The company is ready to assist with document preparation but refuses in certain cases, such as transferring cash to scammers or transferring money more than 5 years ago.


Charg Plus does not provide documents about its activities and does not clarify the connection with the parent company, which is a drawback. It is recommended to clarify the final terms and cost of services through personal communication.