City Broker

Information about City Broker Company

City Broker – a brokerage company registered in Russia. A team of specialists with many years of experience in the stock markets of the USA and Russia.

Description of the Website

City Broker is represented on the website.

The company claims to have been successfully operating since 2005, however, data from website age determination programs indicate the year 2020, which raises questions.

The website contains the company’s contact information:

  • Email:
  • Skype:
  • Phone: +7 (495) 003-43-03
  • Feedback Form

Company registration address: 115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya Street, building 76/71, building 3.

For more detailed information about the company’s operations, it is recommended to study user reviews.

Offered Trading Instruments and Platforms by City Broker

City Broker specializes in providing access to trading on leading US stock exchanges: NYSE, CBOT, CBOE, AMEX, CME. The company also offers the use of PAMM accounts for earning without independent trading.

Clients have access to 8 types of assets, including stocks, metals, cryptocurrencies, indices, and others.

CityBroker Trading Accounts

City Broker offers three types of trading accounts:

  • Moriarti – minimum amount from $10,000, profitability up to 80% per month
  • Nightsell – minimum deposit $5,000, profitability up to 50% for the first month
  • Coworking trade – minimum top-up from $1,000, profitability 30% in the first month

It is recommended to study trader reviews before opening a trading account.

Deposits and Withdrawals at City Broker

To start working on the platform, it is necessary to register and activate a trading account. Detailed instructions are not available on the website.

There is a huge amount of information on depositing and withdrawing funds on the website. Payment systems supported include: Bitcoin, Neteller, Payeer, QiWi, Perfect Money, and others.


Evaluating the work of City Broker can be done after a comprehensive study of information and user reviews. The company offers a wide range of tools for earning, however, user feedback is important for decision-making.