Brief information about the company CM707
The project CM707 does not disclose information about its location and does not publish its registration documentation. The company’s website lists data such as PSRN: 1107746061895 and TIN: 7701864812. However, the lack of clarity regarding the jurisdiction in which the organization operates remains one of the unresolved issues.
The official website is only available in English. The main page of the resource is presented in the screenshot below.
The company emphasizes the following advantages:
- Easy wallet creation.
- Ability to send and receive funds at any time.
- Providing reports and analytics to clients.
- Enterprise-level protection.
- Round-the-clock specialized support.
The absence of contact information makes it unclear how to contact the support service. The website lacks a feedback form and online chat, not to mention a phone, email, and links to social networks. Therefore, the statement about “round-the-clock specialized support” raises questions.
Investment opportunities of the company CM707
To profit from this project, three steps need to be taken:
- Create an account.
- Start mining. Using cloud mining and DeFi technology allows for maximum TRX income.
- Earn and withdraw profits.
Earnings amounts depend on the client’s level, of which there are six:
- VIP 1. Deposit from 5 TRX. Daily withdrawal 2.6%.
- VIP 2. Deposit from 5000 TRX. Daily withdrawal 2.8%.
- VIP 3. Deposit from 50,000 TRX. Daily withdrawal 3.5%.
- VIP 4. Deposit from 200,000 TRX. Daily withdrawal 4%.
- VIP 5. Deposit from 1,000,000 TRX. Daily withdrawal 5%.
- VIP 6. Deposit from 5,000,000 TRX. Daily withdrawal 6%.
Users can also earn from a partnership program, including 3 levels:
- Level 1 – direct referrals. Deposit bonus – 8%, trading bonus – 15%.
- Level 2 – referrals from referred users. Deposit bonus – 4%, trading bonus – 7%.
- Level 3 – referrals from level 2 referrals. Deposit bonus – 2%, trading bonus – 3%.
Registration and login to the personal account in the company CM707
To start working, you need to go through the registration procedure and create a personal account. To register, you need to fill out a special form.
It is important to note that below the Sign In button, there is a Registration Agreement document. There is no need to check the box to confirm familiarity with it, as each registered client is considered informed of the contents of this document. It is recommended to carefully study the Registration Agreement before creating an account, although the document is only available in English.
Account funding and profit withdrawal from CM707
Information on account funding and profit withdrawal is limited. To deposit TRX, one confirmation in the network is required, and the minimum withdrawal amount is 100 TRX.
The absence of registration documents, contact information, and only an English interface, inconvenient for Russian-speaking users, are the main drawbacks of this project. Reviews about CM707 may reveal its advantages, if any. It is also recommended to consult with an independent expert.