Cyber Capital
About the Cyber Capital Cryptocurrency Fund
Cyber Capital – the oldest cryptocurrency fund in Europe, specializing in actively managed portfolios of crypto assets with long-term investments. The company invests exclusively in cryptocurrencies based on the results of fundamental analysis. Cyber Capital does not participate in ICOs, does not use short positions, leverage, or day trading to maintain liquidity for its clients.
Information about Cyber Capital
The company is registered with the Financial Markets Authority and the Central Bank of the Netherlands, with headquarters in Amsterdam. The founder is Justin Bons, and the CEO is Alexander Verkhoy. The company’s website provides contact information for technical support, including email and links to social media platforms Twitter and LinkedIn.
Investment Opportunities at Cyber Capital
- Investing in a long-term asset management strategy
- Minimum investment of 100,000 euros
- Annual asset management fee – 2%
- Redemption fee – 2%
The company conducts thorough analysis of crypto assets to select investments, ensuring stable profits for investors.
Registration and Access to the Cyber Capital Account
Private, professional, and institutional investors interested in accessing a diversified range of cryptocurrencies and earning from investments can join the Cyber Capital platform. To register, fill out the form on the website with your name, email, phone number, investment amount, and agreement with the project’s rules.
Deposits and Withdrawals of Profits from Cyber Capital
Payment information is not provided on the website. Users do not have access to details on payment methods, fund transfer timelines, fees, minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts. Payment policies may be available after logging into the website.
Prior to collaborating with Cyber Capital, it is important to assess investment risks and review feedback from other clients. Decisions about investments should be made consciously, based on objective information about the company’s operations.