
Dakada: professional legal services

Company “Dakada” provides a wide range of legal services with Russian origin. The head office is located in Moscow at the address: Moscow, Basmanny municipal district, Lubyansky passage, 27/1, building 1, 5th floor, office 75. In addition, there is a branch in Kazakhstan at the address: Nur-Sultan, Dostyk street 1, BC 2, 010000, Kazakhstan.

The company is registered under the following data:

  • Tax ID (INN) 7703601865
  • Main State Registration Number (OGRN) 1067746909361
  • Code of reason for registration (KPP) 770901001

Dakada Services

Dakada specializes in four main areas of legal activity: chargeback, corporate issues, insurance, and taxation.

Regarding corporate issues, the company will help:

  • Choose the type of legal entity registration.
  • Prepare and execute founding documents.
  • Consult a startup.
  • Legally support a deal.

In the field of insurance, Dakada’s clients can count on:

  • Consultative assistance, regardless of the type of insurance.
  • Help in resolving insurance disputes.

Regarding taxation, “Dakada” deals with the following:

  • Structures the taxation system.
  • Consults on international tax planning issues.

Dakada Guarantees

Regardless of the area of application, the company guarantees:

  • Work of qualified specialists with over 5 years of experience.
  • Anonymity with the client.
  • Individual approach to each problem.

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