
Main information about company is a participant in the financial sector market, which started its activities in 2014. The key direction of the company’s activities is investing in the stock markets of China, the USA, as well as in the cash of pre-ICO companies. The company’s fund has deep diversification, ensuring payouts to investors.

Investment offers from Esaxa

  • “Balance in Everything” hedge fund – from $100, yield 1.1-2.1%, period 30 days.

  • “Private Leaders” venture investments – from $3000, yield 2.1-3.2%, period 14 days.

  • “Success Algorithm” IPO – from $15,000, yield 42-67%, period 7 days.

Registration and access to the personal account

To participate in the project, it is necessary to go through the registration procedure and choose the most suitable investment option in the personal account.

Invitation code is not required.

Deposit and withdrawal of funds

The following methods are available for depositing funds or withdrawing them:

  • Bank transfers,

  • Crypto transfers,

  • EPS.

Minimum deposit – from $100, withdrawal – from $1 to $10. Withdrawal requests are processed within 48 hours.

Contact information for Esaxa

Phone: +974 800 4455, +971 2 409 6666

Email: [email protected]

Address: AN “Al Mirab”, 55th floor, Palm Tower POB388221, Qatar.


Esaxa Asset Management offers truly promising investment options. However, for security reasons, it is recommended to check the company’s legal documentation and also review customer feedback.



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