
Information about the ExBoard Live brokerage company

The ExBoard Live brokerage company offers the opportunity to earn money by trading financial instruments. The project is presented on a single-page platform exboard.live, which includes a registration form, an authorization form, and a button to switch the interface language.

The website does not provide information on the country where the broker is registered, nor are the details of permissions to provide brokerage services disclosed. Information about the creators and team members is also not presented.

Trading instruments and platforms of ExBoard

The “Client Agreement” mentions the use of an advanced and multifunctional trading platform. Traders are offered trading various assets such as currencies, metals, stocks, cryptocurrencies, indices, and other financial instruments.

ExBoard Live trading accounts

The company does not provide clear descriptions of trading accounts. Clients start trading on a real account after making a deposit. Bonuses, credits, and promotions may be offered to both new and existing clients.

Account funding and withdrawals from “ExBoard”

Information about the project’s payment policy is not disclosed. The company does not provide details on available payment methods, commission fees, and withdrawal conditions.


ExBoard Live raises doubts about its reliability due to the lack of informativeness on the website, anonymity of the creators, absence of contact information, and minimal specifics about the financial policy. Reviews about the company can help potential clients form their opinion about collaborating with it.



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