Information about the legal center “Ezra”
The company “Ezra” is a professional legal center that provides high-quality legal services in various regions of Russia and beyond.
Main information
The head of the company is Tarasov Yegor Vladimirovich, registered as an individual entrepreneur. The official website of the center is available at in Russian.
“Ezra” services
The main activity of the center is the protection of the rights of investors and clients of brokerage companies. “Ezra” specialists help recover funds from fraudulent brokers, bookmakers, and online casinos. In addition, the company provides services in bankruptcy, labor, family, land disputes, and disputes with housing and utilities organizations. The center also provides assistance from car lawyers.
Client work process
Interaction with clients includes several stages:
- initial contact to discuss details and schedule a personal meeting,
- analysis of documentation and development of an action plan,
- signing a written agreement,
- collection of necessary documents and preparation of procedural materials,
- monitoring the judicial process and analyzing the results.
Service payment
The company offers several payment options, including a fixed amount, payment of a percentage of the refund, and an hourly rate. The individual cost is determined in each case.
Contacts and technical support
The office is located at: 117342, Moscow, Butlerova Street, Building 17, BC “NEO GEO”, Kaluzhskaya metro station. For consultation, the following are available: phone number, callback form, online chat, email. The working hours are not specified.
Choosing a company to solve legal issues is an important step. The reliability and qualifications of specialists are important when choosing “Ezra” to solve your problem.