Favorit Plyus

About FPFinance Company

The Favorite Plus company provides clients with the opportunity to invest in real assets, offering a full range of services from investment consulting to legal support. The official website of the project is located at fpfinance.ru.

Company Statistics

The following statistics are presented on the website:

  • 127 real estate properties under management,

  • 12 years in the financial market,

  • 700 annual transactions,

  • 9 thousand satisfied clients.

The company guarantees the safety of funds for each investor in accordance with the statutory capital agreement in the amount of 1,000,110,011 rubles. The company’s legal address is 108811, Moscow, Kievskoe shosse 22, building OVL 4, block 1, office 528A. The General Director is Sergey Vladimirovich Baltser.

Investment Offers

FPFinance offers two directions for investments:

  • Savings – earning on specially designed programs,

  • Investments – investments in real estate, cryptocurrency, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture.

The company offers 5 tariff plans:

  • Premium – from 500,000 rubles, term from 12 months, rate up to 16%,

  • Urgent – from 100,000 rubles, term from 6 months, rate from 7%,

  • Savings – from 100,000 rubles, term from 12 months, rate from 8.45%,

  • Maximum Income – from 1,000,000 rubles, term from 12 months, rate up to 16%,

  • For You – from 100,000 rubles, term from 12 months, from 8.45%.

Interest is accrued monthly and can be withdrawn at the end of the investment term.

Registration and Login to Personal Account

The registration process on the website is not provided. Potential clients are accepted at the company’s office. To cooperate, it is necessary to submit an application, specifying full name and phone number.

Account Replenishment and Profit Withdrawal

Information on the procedure for opening a deposit and replenishing the account is not available on the website. The company states that interest can be withdrawn at any time in full or in part in accordance with the agreement.


After reviewing the website, there are several questions regarding licenses, documents, and the cooperation process. Searching for reviews about the company will help potential clients make a decision on investing funds.