Fidel Crest
Information about the company “Fidel Crest”
Brief description: The company Fidel Crest was registered in Cyprus in 2018. It provides services to traders from around the world, including the USA. All company activities are conducted through a licensed FCA broker.
Main direction: Fidel Crest specializes in working with professional traders. They use the Property Trading Company method, entrusting their capital to professionals for management. The platform offers over 175 trading instruments, including forex, CFDs on stocks, indices, cryptocurrencies, metals, and commodities. The service is available to traders from different countries, including the USA and Canada.
Business model: Fidel Crest is a prop trader with 10 years of experience, investing its own funds for clients. Part of the company’s profit comes from the income generated from clients’ invested funds.
Education and assessment: The platform offers training for traders and also assesses their skills before trading with the company’s funds.
Trading opportunities at Fidel Crest
Fidel Crest offers trading on the MT4 platform, which can be downloaded to a PC or used online. The platform is also compatible with tablets and smartphones, providing flexibility in trading various assets.
Types of trading accounts
Fidel Crest offers two types of accounts: Pro and Micro. To access trading with the company’s funds, a trader must meet certain conditions. Spreads start from 0 points, and commissions are 0%.
Verification process and access to capital
To receive capital management from Fidel Crest, a two-stage verification is required. The first stage lasts 30 days and involves meeting profit and loss conditions. The second stage is Verification, which requires stricter conditions over 60 days. After successfully completing both stages, the trader gains access to capital, which can be partially withdrawn up to $30,000.
Deposits and withdrawals
Payouts are made through various methods: bank transfers, e-wallets, or any other available method upon request. Fidel Crest does not charge commissions for deposits and withdrawals.
General conclusions
Fidel Crest is a company in Cyprus that works with professional traders and provides access to a variety of trading opportunities. The company does not require external regulation as it operates under the control of its FCA. It offers various trading accounts, affiliate programs, and 24/7 support via email and chat.