
Additional Information about FindAWallet

FindAWallet is a unique service designed for finding cryptocurrency wallets by seed phrases and then transferring funds to other crypto wallets.

On the official website, there is a convenient single-page interface that supports Russian and English languages. The site offers registration and login forms for registered users, as well as an FAQ section.

Another project – Dream Wallet

FindAWallet also presents Dream Wallet, available at Both projects have a similar design and structure.

Advantages of Using the Service

Users can search for forgotten cryptocurrency wallets and transfer funds to their wallets for earning purposes. Registration requires providing an email address, username, and password.

Using Wallet Finder Process

To start using the service, users create an account with secure data encryption. The system finds crypto wallets within a few hours, after which the discovered funds are transferred to the user’s balance.

Users are promised anonymity and no risks. Terms of use and prices are not disclosed.

Technical Support

Contact information for contacting technical support is not provided on the website.


Reviews from real clients and experts can help understand how reliable the FindAWallet service is and the possibility of using it to search for forgotten cryptocurrency wallets.



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