
About FinWiki Company

The FinWiki Company is a questionable project that raises serious doubts. The company’s website is filled with signs of fraud, making it untrustworthy and unattractive to serious investors.

About Instructors

The website features photos of four instructors, but their authenticity is questionable. The selection of personnel seems unsystematic, emphasizing the unreliability of information about the instructors’ qualifications and experience.

Course Content

The website lists the topics of seven video lessons, but their practical value remains in question. Promises to make the training practical seem insufficiently substantiated.

Free Video Course

The offered free video course has virtually no value, as the special offer has been valid for over three years. Filling out the form to access the courses may lead to unwanted emails and the use of personal data.

Company Activities

The FinWiki Company lacks registration data and a physical address. The presence of only a phone number associated with scams from other companies confirms suspicions of dishonest activities.

Reviews of Start Trading Courses

The absence of negative reviews on the website raises suspicions of reputation manipulation. The outdated information on the website and low traffic only highlight the unreliability of the presented information.


The FinWiki Company does not provide reliable information about its activities and educational courses. The website is likely used for collecting contacts and data from the target audience, raising serious doubts about its honesty and reliability.