Global Trade Capital

About Global Trade Capital

Global Trade Capital is a professional financial project from the UK, registered in 2016 under number 02746611. The company operates in 190 countries, in accordance with licenses from financial regulators in the UK, Cyprus, South Africa, and the Bahamas.

Investment Opportunities at Global Trade Capital

Global Trade Capital offers various investment options, including cryptocurrency, stocks, binary options, and Forex trading. Within four investment plans, it is possible to invest different amounts for 3 days with returns ranging from 2.5% to 5.5% per day.

  • “Level 1”. Deposit from $100 to $1,000 for 3 days. 2.5% daily return,

  • “Level 2”. Deposit from $1,100 to $5,000 for 3 days. 3.5% daily return,

  • “Level 3”. Deposit from $5,100 to $10,000 for 3 days. 4.5% daily return,

  • “Level 4”. Deposit from $10,100 for 3 days. 5.5% daily return.

Deposit and Withdrawal Process

Global Trade Capital allows funding through various payment systems, but detailed information is not provided. The minimum deposit is $40, and there is no information on withdrawal fees on the website.

Registration at Global Trade Capital Platform

To register on the Global Trade Capital platform, click the “Invest” button under the selected tariff plan and fill out a short form. Further steps include creating a personal account and selecting convenient payment methods.

Investment Risks and Conclusion

The investment opportunities offered by Global Trade Capital are associated with high risks, so it is essential to carefully study the project’s terms and reviews from other investors. The company is not licensed, which should be considered when deciding on investments.

The decision to collaborate with Global Trade Capital should be based on facts and logic, taking into account potential financial risks. It is important to remember that investing in the project may not be secure, so choose the initial investment amount carefully.



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