Global Trend

Description of the company Global Trend

The company Global Trend specializes in the development of innovative products for health. We invite you to join our team and open up a business without borders. Our philosophy is that earnings are built on the purchase of goods, their implementation, and attracting new partners to our company.

Legal information

On our website, you can find information about the legal aspects of working with the company Global Trend. We cooperate with the legal entity Glob@l Plus, registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our contact details: Almaty, Mamyr-7, 21 block A.

Contact information for Global Trend company

  • Phones: +7 707 321 21 21, +7 926 899 02 55

  • Email: [email protected]

  • We also offer to use a special feedback form for your questions and suggestions.

Terms of cooperation

The company Global Trend is open to cooperation with anyone, regardless of age, social status, or place of residence. We offer a flexible work schedule that allows dedicating only a few hours a week to the project.

Rewards system

  • Referral rewards

  • Team rewards

  • Matching rewards

  • Activation rewards

Find more detailed information about earning opportunities on our website.

Reviews about the company Global Trend

We invite you to read reviews about working with us to understand how our company can be a profitable partner for you.



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