
Important information about GlobalFXm company

GlobalFXm is a respected holder of the PIPSEC financial regulator license. This license regulates the activities of brokers on the islands of Seychelles, Mauritius, and Cook Islands. Obtaining regulatory documents from PIPSEC is done democratically and at relatively low prices. It should be noted that outside of these specified offshore islands, PIPSEC licenses do not apply.

GlobalFXm company does not provide a physical address, however, there is a contact phone number on the website. Upon examining this information, we have identified several interesting facts.

The same contact number is also listed on the broker’s website under the name Europe Markets. Initially, the sites are designed and filled out differently. However, upon closer comparison, it becomes clear that both sites are cloned versions that are poorly disguised.

The first suspicion arises when comparing the contact information and the support service schedule. Working hours are from 8 to 17, Saturday and Sunday are days off. The call center is one of the most important and expensive links in the broker’s structure. It is the employees of the call center who provide individual service to potential clients, encouraging them to increase their investments.

Creating multiple websites, especially with cloned content, can be an easy task. However, they will all be serviced by a single contact center, as finding specialists willing to engage in fraudulent schemes and possessing excellent skills is a difficult task.

The GlobalFXm website, created in 2019, is a more recent clone launched hastily. For example, the user agreement is simply copied from another more reputable broker’s site without changing the name. The quality and value of all other documents presented on the site are similar.

It is also worth noting the similarity of the news information blocks. Although in the world of finance, there are events that are reported by all global resources, in such cases, informational resources present the same information in different words. In the case of GlobalFXm, the news is identical down to the last word.