Main information about Help Broker company
Help Broker has been actively developing in the chargeback services market since the launch of the project in the summer of 2020. The project is aimed at users interested in trading and investments.
Foundation and team
According to information on the website, Help Broker has been operating for over 5 years, starting its activities no later than 2015. The company employs lawyers who prefer to remain anonymous, without disclosing their names, positions, and portraits.
Office address: Moscow, Baumanskaya Street, Building 6, Building 2, Office 320.
To contact the company, you need to call the number 8 (495) 111-00-21. A callback request form is also available on the website.
Services and statistics
Help Broker specializes in chargebacks from brokers and does not provide other legal services in the financial sector.
The project claims to have helped over 4000 clients in the last 5 years, leading to the successful completion of 90% of cases. The total chargeback amount is 100,000,000 (currency not specified).
Features of the provided services
The company operates in several stages. The first stage involves analyzing the case to predict its outcome. This analysis is provided for free. In the second stage, a personal lawyer prepares and submits documents, providing information about each step. The third stage is obtaining the result.
Help Broker organizes a comprehensive approach and uses foreign institutions, as well as banks and Russian law enforcement agencies to resolve cases. The company emphasizes the need to protect clients from fraudulent brokers’ actions.
Reviews and rating
BrokerTribunal conducts a rating of chargeback companies, an important tool for those affected by scammers. Client reviews about working with the company Help Broker can be valuable information for those who have encountered problems in the trading and investment sphere.