Hermes Management Ltd

Information about Hermes Management Ltd

The company “Hermes Management Ltd” describes itself as a financial-analytical company specializing in education, international protection, and trust management. The official website serves as the main platform of the project.

Registration Details

The company is registered in the UK under number 13150585 at the address: 63-66 Hatton Garden, London, England, EC1N 8LE. The website features a scanned copy of the registration certificate issued in January 2021. Information about licenses for investment activities and the management team is not disclosed. The company’s partners are Life is Good and IBA.

Investment Opportunities

The company does not disclose information about the minimum investment size, deposit currencies, deposit terms, promised returns, and other cooperation conditions. Users can expect an individual approach, quality analytics, and the opportunity to use the loan selection service.

Registration and Login

Registration on the platform is not provided. To access the personal account, the resource is used, where the account number and password are required.

Account Funding and Withdrawal

Information about payment methods, transfer processing times, and fees is not disclosed. The option to withdraw funds in cryptocurrency will be available from 14.02.2023.


Evaluating investment risks plays an important role in deciding to cooperate with the company. Analyzing customer reviews helps form an opinion on the profitability of investments with Hermes Management Ltd.