
Description of the Hex.com project

The investment project Hex.com is an innovative solution that deserves attention. It is based on blockchain technology and offers unique opportunities for investors.

How Hex.com works

The company Hex.com has adapted the concept of bank deposits, transferring it to the blockchain. This has allowed the creation of a digital currency that is free from the drawbacks of traditional banking services, such as high fees and low interest rates.

There is no information on the founders and jurisdiction of the company on the Hex.com website. However, the project has been actively operating since 2022 and is presented exclusively in English.

Investment opportunities and profitability of Hex.com

Hex.com offers investors several ways to earn money. The promised profitability is 38% per annum.

  • Passive income: acquiring company shares that are claimed to quickly increase in value and are protected from inflation.

  • Opportunity to participate in the project: buying Hex, exchanging for T-Shares, automatic reward accrual.

Hex.com offers various investment periods from 1 day to 5 years, promising increased profitability for long-term investments.

Depositing and withdrawing funds from Hex.com

To deposit funds into the Hex.com account, it is suggested to use the cryptocurrency Ethereum. Income is credited in the project’s internal tokens.

There is no information on the withdrawal process and possible fees on the official Hex.com website. The company emphasizes that no minimum deposit is required.


Hex.com is of interest due to its innovative approach to investments. However, caution should be exercised, and reviews from other investors should be studied before investing funds.