IG International

About IG International Company

IG International Ltd brokerage company is part of the IG Group holding and is registered in Bermuda. The company does not have a license, but claims to have been successfully operating since 1974. IG International describes itself as an international provider of online trading services, serving clients in 14 countries around the world.

Trading Opportunities at IG International

Clients can trade a wide range of trading instruments, including currency pairs, cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin and Ethereum), indices, bonds, stocks of more than 7,500 global companies, as well as exchange-traded commodities like oil and gold.

Trading Conditions and Accounts at IG International

For novice traders, a demo account with 10,000 virtual dollars is available. This is an excellent opportunity to familiarize oneself with the platform and practice trading strategies before opening a real account. The minimum deposit amount is not specified, but traders must go through an introductory program, details of which are not disclosed. Detailed trading conditions can be found in the “Fees and Payments” section and in the document “Trading Terms and Agreements.”

Trading Platforms at IG International

The broker offers the MetaTrader 4 platform with the ability to trade on the currency market, a wide selection of indicators and analytical tools, and fast trade execution. Clients can download the trading terminal for their personal computer or smartphone, as well as use the web platform, which does not require downloading to the computer and allows trading directly from the charts in one click.

Depositing and Withdrawing Funds at IG International

To deposit and withdraw funds, bank cards or bank transfers in dollars or euros can be used. The minimum withdrawal amount is not specified. Information on deposit fees is not available, and processing times for withdrawal requests are also not disclosed.

Registration and Login to the IG International Personal Account

To register on the company’s website, click the “Open Account” button and fill out the provided form. Next, account verification is required, for which a passport photo and a copy of a utility bill must be provided. Account verification is mandatory for fund withdrawals.


Before opening a deposit with IG International, it is recommended to carefully study the company and its conditions. The absence of a license implies a lack of oversight by regulatory authorities. For greater confidence in choosing a broker, it is recommended to review legal documentation, reviews, and consult with trading experts.



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