Interactive Business Group

Information about Interactive Business Group company

Interactive Business Group – is a company specializing in providing brokerage services for over 40 years, founded in 1977. It is regulated by financial regulators from the UK, Cyprus, UAE, and the Cayman Islands, with oversight from the Financial Conduct Authority since 1998.

Interactive Business Group website addresses

You can visit the InteractiveBusinessGroup website at the following addresses:





Services and advantages of Interactive Business Group

InteractiveBusinessGroup conducts around 25,000 trades daily, providing fast order execution (around 12 ms) and 24/5 technical support.

Trading instruments and platforms

Interactive Business Group offers over 300 trading instruments in stocks, Forex, indices, cryptocurrencies, and commodities markets. Leverage and spreads depend on the chosen market.

Trading accounts

Clients can choose from 3 types of trading accounts with different conditions and minimum deposits. Upgrading to a higher-tier account grants access to more trading instruments.

Deposits and withdrawals

To start trading with Interactive Business Group, standard registration is required. The client area provides options for depositing and withdrawing funds.


Interactive Business Group offers a wide range of services and trading instruments, but it is essential to verify the legality of the company’s operations and its collaboration with financial regulators.



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