Latest Developments in the Ongoing US-China Trade War


Trade wars are a recurrent phenomenon in the global economic landscape. They occur when one country raises tariffs or imposes other restrictions on imports from another country, leading to retaliatory measures from the other side. The ongoing trade war between the United States and China, the world’s two largest economies, has been a major focal point in recent years. This article provides an update on the latest developments in this ongoing dispute.

US-China Trade War: The Current Scenario

The US-China trade war, initiated by the Trump administration in 2018, has seen both nations impose billions of dollars’ worth of tariffs on each other’s goods. The dispute has sent ripples across the global economy, affecting various sectors such as technology, agriculture, and manufacturing.

Phase One Agreement

In January 2020, the US and China signed a ‘Phase One’ trade deal, which saw China agree to increase its purchases of US goods and services by $200 billion over two years. In return, the US agreed to reduce some tariffs on Chinese goods. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the implementation of this deal, with China falling behind on its purchase commitments.

Impact on Global Economy

The US-China trade war has had significant implications for the global economy. The uncertainty surrounding trade policies has led to reduced investment and stifled economic growth. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the trade war could cost the global economy around $700 billion by 2020.

Effects on Other Countries

While the US and China are the primary players in the trade war, other countries have also been affected. For example, countries that are part of China’s supply chain, such as Taiwan and South Korea, have experienced disruptions due to the tariffs. On the other hand, some countries, like Vietnam and Mexico, have benefited from businesses relocating their operations to avoid tariffs.

Future Outlook

The future of the US-China trade war remains uncertain under the Biden administration. While Biden has indicated that he will not immediately remove the tariffs imposed by his predecessor, he has also expressed a desire to work with allies to put pressure on China. The focus seems to be on a more multilateral approach to address trade issues with China.

Implications for Businesses

Businesses around the world will be closely watching the developments in the US-China trade war. Companies that rely heavily on the US and Chinese markets may need to adjust their strategies to mitigate the effects of tariffs. Additionally, businesses may also need to consider diversifying their supply chains to reduce their exposure to potential disruptions.


The US-China trade war has reshaped the global economic landscape, affecting businesses and economies worldwide. While the ‘Phase One’ deal provided some respite, the future of the trade relationship between the two economic giants remains uncertain. As the situation continues to evolve, it will be crucial for businesses and policymakers to stay abreast of the latest developments and adjust their strategies accordingly.