Legal General Group

Main information about Legal General Group

Legal General Group presents itself as a brokerage company specializing in trading liquid assets. The website offers a trading platform with various financial instruments, although information about the company and its regulation remains hidden.

Safety and support

Legal General Group does not provide additional information about its registration, company address, and management team. Details about licenses and financial regulators are also absent. The lack of contact information complicates the ability to reach the support center.

Offered trading instruments

Legal General Group provides access to a wide range of financial assets, including securities, currency pairs, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. To use all platform functions, users must register.

Trading conditions and trading accounts

Information about trading accounts and trading conditions at Legal General Group is currently unavailable. Traders should clarify details directly when making transactions. There is also no mention of the availability of a demo account for trading practice.

Deposits and withdrawals

Legal General Group supports various methods of depositing and withdrawing funds, such as bank transfers, credit cards, cryptocurrencies, and other payment systems. However, specific details of operations on the platform are not disclosed.


Legal General Group leaves many questions unanswered by not providing sufficient information about its operations. It is recommended to pay attention to client reviews before deciding to collaborate with this company.



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