
Brief information about the company “Liquidchain”

The investment company “Liquidchain” specializes in cryptocurrency trading, offering clients fully automated investment solutions. Clients only need to invest money, and the company takes care of everything else.

Company activities and security

The company “Liquidchain” has a successful track record in the market for over 4 years. Despite the lack of official documents, the company claims to comply with MiFID standards applicable in the European Union. However, the company does not have a precise registration address in the EU.

The company’s websites, such as and, indicate a Russian address in St. Petersburg. Contact with company representatives is available through email, online chat, and Telegram.

Investment opportunities and company strategies

“Liquidchain” offers its clients the use of unique trading algorithms. The company promises stable and profitable trading, minimizes risks, and allows for operating with large sums to increase profitability.

In contrast to competitors, the company does not provide ready-made investment plans, profitability calculators, or information about terms in the website footers.

The company recommends using XLC-LiquidChain for all operations, including access to 40 cryptocurrencies, transactions lasting up to 1 day, and partnership programs.

Funds operations and profit withdrawal

The company promises fast fund withdrawals, but specific details are only available in special documents.

Withdrawal of funds from the company takes about 10 business days, including processing and executing the withdrawal request. Deposit methods, limits, and fees are also available only to registered users.


The company “Liquidchain” presents itself as an investment project, but does not provide sufficient information about its activities. The lack of documentation, basic information on profitability, and necessary documents for profit withdrawal raise concerns among potential investors.

We recommend investing in verified projects and carefully reviewing all terms of cooperation before making investment decisions.



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1 Comment

  1. My experience with Liquidchain was thoroughly disappointing. It’s clear that their customer service is severely lacking. I had multiple issues with my account, and getting in touch with assistance was a nightmare. Every time I had a problem, it took them several days to answer. Furthermore, their system is convoluted and difficult to navigate. Fees are also high compared to other brokers. Lastly, I experienced a lack of transparency in several operations. This is a broker I will not recommend.


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