
Information about the brokerage company “Morpher”

Company Morpher offers its clients the opportunity to trade various financial instruments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The broker’s official website is

Main information about Morpher

The legal entity of the company is Morpher Labs GmbH, registered at Heinestrasse 21/4, Vienna, Austria 1020. The broker was founded in 2018. The managing director is Martin Fr?hler. Regarding licenses for brokerage activities, information on interaction with regulatory authorities is not provided.

Trading opportunities and Morpher platform

Company Morpher aims to provide its clients with a seamless trading experience. For this purpose, it has developed its own trading platform based on the Ethereum blockchain. The main advantages of the platform offered:

  • Commission-free trading.
  • Liquidity provider.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Access to various markets.
  • Protection by blockchain technology.

Trading instruments on the Morpher platform

Company clients have access to 700 financial markets with one account. The offered trading products include cryptocurrencies, securities, commodities, indices, currency pairs, and other liquid assets.

Morpher’s affiliate program

To earn additional income, users can take advantage of the company’s affiliate program. Advertising tools allow attracting new participants to the platform and earning a commission of up to 10% of their deposit amount.

Bonuses and levels on Morpher

Each registered client is credited with a bonus of 100 crypto tokens MPH for trading. To increase the account level, identity verification and a $10 deposit are required.

Deposits and withdrawals on Morpher

Deposits and withdrawals on the platform are made in the cryptocurrency MPH. Traders can use various payment methods, such as fiat currencies, online payments, payment systems, and cryptocurrency deposits. Withdrawals are available to third-level users.


Before deciding to collaborate with the brokerage company Morpher, it is recommended to review feedback from other users and details of the platform’s operating conditions.