Information about the legal company MSB

The legal company “MSB” specializes in recovering lost funds for clients who have fallen victim to various fraudulent companies. The project team has extensive experience and knowledge in the fields of finance and law, allowing them not only to effectively protect clients’ interests but also to successfully resolve their cases involving the recovery of stolen investments. The company’s website is a single-page platform with a Russian interface.

Main information about the company MSB

The legal company MSB is registered as a limited liability company (TIN 7703199329). Its office is located at: 123056, Moscow, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, Building 42, Floor 1, Office I, Room 20A 32. The website does not provide copies of documents confirming the legality of the company’s activities. Also, there is no information about internal documents describing the terms of service provision and the rights of the parties.

Services of the company MSB

Clients can turn to the company in case of loss of investments as a result of cooperation with fraudulent structures, such as brokerage companies, cryptocurrency exchanges, financial pyramids, investment projects, trading platforms, and others. The MSB team guarantees professional support in any complex situation. According to the statistics on the website, the company successfully resolves over 40 cases each month, returning over 15 million dollars to clients.

Chargeback process at MSB

The website does not specify how the chargeback procedure is conducted and what stages it includes. Instead, the company highlights its advantages: years of experience, individual approach to each client, no upfront payment, development of a work plan for each case, work under an official contract, and partnership with various structures. Details about the amounts of losses and required documents for chargeback are not disclosed.

Technical support at MSB

Contact information for reaching the company: email, phone +7 (495) 299-20-18. The support center operates from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 19:00. The website also offers a form for a free expert consultation.


Assessing the reliability and competence of the legal company MSB will be aided by client reviews. It is important to consider all aspects of the company’s activities before deciding to seek assistance.