
Short information about the company MVDeals

The company MVDeals is registered at the legal address Pilovsk? 6 416 87 Litv?nov, Czech Republic, starting its activities in the markets in 2018. The authenticity of registration documents is not confirmed.

The company lists license numbers from the Republic of Cyprus, Mauritius, and Belize on its website

You can contact MV Deals by email, through an online form, or by phone at +420527039021.

Trading instruments and platform of MVDeals

MVDeals offers traders a wide range of assets, including currency pairs, cryptocurrencies, company stocks, industrial indices, precious metals, and commodities.

  • currency pairs,
  • cryptocurrencies,
  • company stocks,
  • industrial indices,
  • precious metals,
  • commodities, including energy resources.

The total number of trading assets is not specified. Access to them depends on the client’s account type.

Trading accounts of the company MVDeals

The company offers three types of real accounts without a demo account.

The “Mini” account opens with a minimum deposit of $150 with leverage up to 1:100, with a limited set of tools.

The “Silver” account is designed for investments from $1,000. It allows trading in precious metals and cryptocurrencies with leverage up to 1:500.

The “Gold” account is activated with a deposit from $10,000 and provides clients with a full range of tools and round-the-clock technical support.

Account funding and withdrawal in MVDeals

Information on depositing and withdrawing funds is not available to unregistered users.

The payment methods are not specified on the website. It is recommended to register a personal account to obtain more detailed information.


Considering the mismatch of licenses and registration, the lack of a demo version, and modest information about the company, it is recommended to consider other brokers.



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