
Information about Nec SC Company

Broker Nec SC specializes in providing opportunities to expand clients’ financial portfolios. The company offers personalized consultations on CFD transactions from professional experts.

The official website provides useful information and company services.

Nec SC’s activities are regulated by the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.

Every registered trader has 24/7 support to address any questions. Contact information:

The registration address is listed on the website under “Contacts” – R. Maestro Cardim, 1118 – Bela Vista, S?o Paulo – SP, Brazil.

To understand the principles of Nec SC’s operation, it is recommended to read client reviews.

Nec SC Trading Instruments and Platforms

The company provides access to various trading instruments in real-time online. Nec SC prioritizes security and reliability, collaborating with regulators and ensuring a high level of service.

Nec SC offers trading in the following CFDs:

  • Currencies (including EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD)
  • Indices
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Commodities
  • Precious metals
  • Stocks

The company takes pride in its reputation and a large number of satisfied clients.

Nec SC Trading Accounts

Nec SC offers three options for investment portfolios:

  • Beginner – minimum deposit from $150, leverage 1:100
  • Standard Plus – minimum deposit $1000, leverage 1:500
  • Premium – minimum deposit $10000, leverage 1:500

Detailed terms and advantages of the accounts are available on the website.

Depositing and Withdrawing Funds at Nec SC

Information on the process of depositing and withdrawing funds is provided on the company’s website.


To get a full picture of the brokerage company Nec SC, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with all the provided information, including client reviews and documentation.



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