Praym Yurist

Information about the company “Prime Lawyer”

The legal company “Prime Lawyer” offers a wide range of services, with special attention paid to chargeback. This article focuses on this aspect of the company’s activities.

Address of “Prime Lawyer”

The official legal address of the company “Prime Lawyer” is stated as 125499, Lavochkina Street, Building 16, Building 1 in Moscow. The website indicates a multi-storey building, however, the specific floor and room number are not provided. The working hours of the head office are also not presented.

Services of “Prime Lawyer”

The company “Prime Lawyer” provides high-quality and comprehensive legal services. The company’s website showcases impressive statistics: over 16.5 thousand satisfied clients, 20 awards, and practical work on 8 thousand cases remotely.

Clients are invited to contact “Prime Lawyer” in case of chargeback needs in various situations, including broker refusal to withdraw funds, deposit drain, lack of communication with an investment company, threats from brokers, and other types of online fraud.

Work of “Prime Lawyer”

The company “Prime Lawyer” successfully collaborates with regulatory organizations of different countries, enabling the successful recovery of clients’ funds. The team tackles chargeback tasks in close cooperation, involving lawyers, technical specialists, and professional translators.

Pricing for services is not publicly disclosed, but it is promised to be optimal and set individually for each client after an initial situation analysis.


The company “Prime Lawyer” offers chargeback services, although the approach to this issue raises doubts. It is recommended to carefully study independent reviews of the company’s work and not agree to prepayment.



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