Review of the investment company PrimeTradeLK
PrimeTradeLK is a company that offers investment opportunities, although its place of registration remains unknown. According to the information on the website, the owner of this project is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and the license was obtained in 2020. The company’s website is available in Russian and located at To get full information about investment opportunities, registration on the website is required.
Investment offers
PrimeTradeLK promises investors a profit of 12% and 13% of the invested funds, but specific information about available portfolios is not provided. The exact financial instruments that the company offers to invest in are also not disclosed on the website.
Account funding and withdrawal
The company offers various payment methods, including Qiwi and bank cards, for depositing funds into the account. However, the minimum deposit and withdrawal amounts are not specified on the website. A detailed list of payment methods is available after registration in the personal account.
Registration on the website
To register on the PrimeTradeLK website, you need to provide your email address, phone number, as well as first and last name. You should create a password yourself. It is important to note that the registration process does not involve reviewing the user agreement and other documents.
Investment risks
PrimeTradeLK does not provide detailed information about itself and its investment tariffs, which raises doubts among potential clients. The lack of information about contracts with investors and transparency of operations can also be a negative signal.
Potential investors are advised to carefully study the company’s licensing data and reviews online before making a decision on investment. Consulting with experts can help make an informed decision regarding the reliability and prospects of the company.