Racib Service

Review of the company racib-service.com

The company racib-service.com belongs to the Russian Association of Cryptoeconomics, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain (RAKIB). It specializes in providing services in the field of cryptocurrency mining, including equipment supply and maintenance, as well as developing individual investment strategies in this area. The official website racib-service.com is available in Russian and English.

Investment offers of the company Racib Service

The investment offers of racib-service.com are not limited to rigidly defined programs. The company claims to be working on developing personalized investment plans for those planning to generate income from cryptocurrency mining right from the start. Passive income starts coming in 20 days after the investment.

The earning model at racib-service.com has specific stages:

  • Purchasing equipment from China at a discount of 15-20% compared to prices in Russia.
  • Installing the equipment in a specialized center with advantageous power supply conditions.
  • Connecting to a pool with a ready-made cryptocurrency wallet.
  • Round-the-clock technical maintenance and equipment repair.

Registration process and access to the personal account

There is no registration procedure on the racib-service.com website. Tracking investments and earnings is an unclear process for investors.

The platform offers a consultation function where contact details and a form for requesting a callback are provided. Contact with company representatives is possible via email and phone. The support service’s working hours are not defined.

Account funding and profit withdrawal from the company Racib Service

Information about the financial policy of racib-service.com remains unknown. Details of payment services and procedures for crediting and withdrawing funds are not disclosed. Commissions for financial transactions are also not specified.


Doubts arise regarding trust in the reliability and prospects of the company racib-service.com. The absence of official documentation, anonymity, limited information on investment programs and financial policy complicates decision-making on investments. Before investing, it is recommended to consult experts and review feedback from real clients.