Sa Org

Information about the company “Sa Org”

Brief introduction to the activities of the company “Sa Org”.

History and Experience

The broker “Sa Org” is proud of its 4-year experience, established through precise calculations, indicating the foundation of the company in 2018. We offer earning opportunities to both passive investors and active traders in CFD trading. Our services are available 24/7 via email and calls from you.

Trading Opportunities

“Sa Org” offers over 200 trading instruments, including currencies, stocks, indices, precious metals, and cryptocurrencies. We provide access to our unique trading terminal, ensuring reliable order execution, flexible settings, and intuitive management.

Various Accounts

“Sa Org” has 3 types of real accounts: Mini, Standard, and Premium. Each offers its conditions depending on the trader’s investments and requirements.

Deposits and Withdrawals

The company “Sa Org” accepts deposits in US dollars and euros. To get detailed information on payment and withdrawal methods, you will need to register a personal account. Please note that the withdrawal process is individualized and discussed with each client separately.


We at “Sa Org” value each of our clients and strive to ensure transparency and reliability in all aspects of our operations. We invite you to explore our services and take advantage of the opportunities for successful trading.