
Information about Company

The company “Sagidis” provides reference information about its New Zealand origin. Its head office is located at 88 Shortland Street, Auckland Central, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand. The project registration number is 8306880. Before starting cooperation with Sagidis, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the document “Terms and Conditions” as well as the “Privacy Policy”. There is no information available yet about the date the company started operating or its management.

The website is available in five languages: Russian, Vietnamese, English, Spanish, and German. On the main page of the Russian version of the website, you can see the project’s appearance.

Investment Offers from Sagidis

The company generates its main income through the creation, sale, and resale of NFTs, as well as investing in the latest technologies in the cryptocurrency field. Sagidis promises stable income to investors, but specific figures are not specified. There is no information available yet about the minimum investment amount, payback periods, and other details. While deciding not to provide detailed information about its investment offers, the company describes its business model, which includes the use of artificial intelligence, hedging, fintech, and working with NFTs.

Registration and Login to the Sagidis Website Personal Account

To register on the company’s website, you need to go to the registration page, fill in the required information, and confirm your email address. After that, you can log in to your personal account.

Account Replenishment and Income Withdrawal from Sagidis

Information about the account replenishment process and income withdrawal is currently unavailable. Sagidis only mentions support for various payment methods, but a specific list of payment systems is not published. There is also no information available about possible commissions, transaction processing times, and other details.


Overall, the Sagidis company website does not provide enough information for clients. To understand the terms of operation, the required investment amount, expected profits, fund withdrawal procedures, and other important details, it is recommended to read reviews about the company and consult with a professional.